PROPER 11 / 8 Pentecost — 22 July 2012
St. Paul’s, Durant — 9:00 am
St. Paul’s, Durant — 9:00 am
[Track Two] Jeremiah 23:1-6 | Psalm 23 | Ephesians 2:11-22 | Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
As he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.
I’ve told this story before, but I don’t remember whether I’ve told it to you, but even if I have, it’s okay, I guess, because the rest of the sermon is mostly new!
In Scotland, at least some years ago, there was a lot of what we in the American West called “open range”—unfenced moors where unattended livestock wandered about as they would. In the American West it was normally herds of beef cattle. In Scotland it was unshepherded flocks of sheep. For some reason known only to the sheep themselves, it often pleased them to stand in the middle of the road, just on the other side of the crest of a hill. My college roommate and I were touring Britain on motorbikes one summer, typically running some hundreds of yards apart, and whoever was leading would come over the crest of the hill only to find the road full of sheep, screech to a sideways stop, engage the sheep in vigorous and contentious conversation (generally without much success), and finally persuade them to move over to the shoulder of the road, to permit passage. After which the sheep would saunter back into the middle of the road to stare with minimal curiosity at the departing form of this rude Yankee who was so insensitive to local Scottish ovine custom. At which point the other one of us would come over the crest of the hill and screech to a sideways stop.
“He saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.”
This is kind of an interesting Gospel reading selection for today. I’ve indicated in the past that I’m never always quite sure what the Revised Common Lectionary Gnomes have in mind… Anyway, you will perhaps note, from the bulletin or from your Bibles if you were following along or if you looked this reading up in advance, that there is a big break in the middle of the reading, eighteen verses. What’s that all about? Those of you who have your finger in your Bible may have already noticed that what’s been left out is the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand, and also the story of Jesus Walking on the Water. ???!!! Well, fear not, little flock. As it turns out, next Sunday the Gospel reading is the Feeding and Walking stories, only from St. John’s Gospel instead of St. Mark, and the Gospel readings continue to be taken from the sixth chapter of St. John through August, returning to St. Mark in September.
But that leaves us with today’s reading, in which it’s not quite sure what’s happening. And in fact it’s true that in St. Mark the two sections are both transitional passages, except the stories that they are transitions into and out of are left out!
Still, you may recall that I said last month that Mark’s Gospel is a very sophisticated literary composition and is not just a simple stringing together of Jesus stories. So he’s up to something even in these transitional passages, and there is a Word of God to be heard in them. (And God says, “You got that right.”)
You remember that two weeks ago, before last week’s story about John the Baptist being executed by Herod Antipas (which may have seemed like a digression but it really wasn’t), Jesus had sent the twelve out in pairs on a preaching-and-healing mission. Well, now they have come back, and Jesus says, “Let’s go on retreat and debrief a bit.” Alas, the crowd doesn’t let them get away.
Last month I noted that the word Mark uses that we translate “the crowd” does not mean just “a lot of people,” it’s “the poor folks,” “the peasants,” “the nobodies.” But Mark’s point is not that these folks are just a bunch of dumb sheep as on a Scottish moor. Mark is making a very clear allusion to the tradition of the prophets of the Old Testament. And we heard that this morning in the First Reading from Jeremiah:
This theme of the scattering of the Lord’s sheep (Israel) by wicked shepherds (faithless and corrupt kings and priests, the religious establishment) runs throughout the Hebrew prophets. For example, Ezekiel [34:2b,4-6]:
“Thus says the Lord God: Ah, you shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves! Should not shepherds feed the sheep?…You have not strengthened the weak, you have not healed the sick, you have not bound up the injured, you have not brought back the strayed, you have not sought the lost, but with force and harshness you have ruled them. So they were scattered, because there was no shepherd; and scattered, they became food for all the wild animals. My sheep were scattered, they wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill; my sheep were scattered over all the face of the earth, with no one to search or seek for them.”
So when Jesus sees the crowd like sheep without a shepherd, this is really a loaded image. It’s not just a bunch of dumb folks. They are God’s People, suffering under the oppression of the domination of corrupt powers, locally the temple establishment and other dimensions of the religious establishment such as the Pharisees, and the political establishment of Herod Antipas in Galilee, and overarching them and especially in Judaea, the Roman Empire. Establishment powers which are not shepherds of God’s people.
Jesus is, as St. John’s Gospel says explicitly, the Good Shepherd. But in the context of the Hebrew prophetic tradition, and in the specific context of first-century Roman Palestine, this really doesn’t have anything to do with the kind of sentimental pictures of the wimpy Victorian shepherd and his cute little lambs (like the stained-glass window over the altar over at Trinity, Iowa City – but let’s not go there right now!). Jesus is the Liberator, the Savior, the King.
Yes, Jesus is political. Yes, St. Mark’s Gospel is political (as are all the Gospels, as are the Letters of St. Paul, as is the whole Bible). Yes, the Kingdom of God is political. But that doesn’t mean competing with the powers and dominations of this world, or trying to overthrow them forcibly. (I said all this last Sunday, but you weren’t there!) “Politics” is about the ordering of the common life of the polis, the city, the state, the community. It’s about how we live together as human beings in justice and peace. But the more “politics” becomes about power and domination, the more it has become corrupt.
The politics of the Kingdom of God is about how we love the Lord our God, and our neighbor as ourselves. The Kingdom of God is not about life in the sweet by and by, at least not initially. Yes, of course the Kingdom has a transcendent, eternal dimension, but Jesus doesn’t really say very much about that. (Most of our images about what “heaven” is like don’t come from the Bible, they come from New Yorker cartoons.) Jesus talks about how we are to live with each other now, in this world, in justice and peace and love, and thus subverting the kingdoms of this world.
And these are, I think, among the “many things” that Jesus taught the crowds who were like sheep without a shepherd.